OUr Mission
Why we’re doing this
The We Boycott team loves our country and we are not afraid to stand boldly for our rights and freedoms.
With our country at such a critical point in its existence and everything being politicized, patriots must now be engaged in all aspects of our society, including commerce. We cannot take anything for granted!
Hardworking Americans are feeling more and more frustrated that their values are being ignored or even mocked by the mainstream media and Leftist politicians. We Boycott is a way for people to let their voices be heard.
Why would you give your hard-earned money to a company that despises your values and your love of country? Why should we economically support an agenda that wants to dismantle our way of life? Well, we now have a way to fight back. It’s time for us to speak with our wallets. Sadly, that’s the only thing that some of these big corporations seem to understand.
When we speak with our money, we speak loudly. We cannot enable these people by adding to their bottom line while they sneer at our values and show us nothing but contempt.
This will take a small sacrifice on our part, but we can magnify it to produce massive results. Boycotts work, plain and simple.
Join the fight now!

Let us know if you think a company should be boycotted or supported today!